With the recent state of our world, I imagine there is a lot of people out there that are going about their daily lives from the comfort of their home. I’m with you.
For myself, too many days of slumming it around the house in my PJ’s, drinking seven cups of coffee and leaving my hair unwashed for (maybe) one too many days can take a toll on how I feel - not just physically but mentally. If you are with me on that, this first blog of mine is for you.
Here are some tips that I want to share that have helped me over the last week or so during this time of isolation and social distancing.
Put some makeup on! (Duh, why would I not be adding that?)
We all love a good fresh face but if you wear makeup regularly, or just like to wear it sometimes it can be a good mood booster! If you know me or have followed me for quite some time you know that red is sort of my thing. Throwing on a red lip makes me feel bad-a$$ and confident, who doesn’t want that? So, take some time to put a little, or a lot of makeup on - whatever makes you feel good! However, I wouldn’t be doing my job right if I didn’t remind you to take it off at the end of the day.
Get up, and get dressed.
Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge fan of staying in my PJ’s until 3 pm and then changing into a comfy pair of sweats and a hoodie. However, if you are feeling a little down and well, “blah”, get dressed in something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. When working at home for the last week (and for more to come), it has been my saving grace to put me into a feeling of normalcy to get dressed before I start working. My go-to outfit right now has been a pair of mom jeans and a t-shirt. Is this "business" appropriate? No, but it makes me feel good, confident, and comfortable.
Drink water, your skin and the rest of your body will thank you later.
Remember when I mentioned those seven cups of coffee? Yeah, that was rough. Try and continue to drink lots of water while you are at home. I always have a full water bottle and I take it everywhere with me in the house as if I was out and about. This is not only good for your body, your mood and everything else but your skin will thank you later. If this is ringing a bell in your head, you should probably put reading this on pause and get a drink of water.
Head outside, but don’t forget your SPF first.
If that ain’t the truth! Slather some SPF on your skin and head out to your back yard, your balcony, your deck, or where ever you can to soak in some sunshine and fresh air! I have been making a point of bundling up and sitting on my balcony or going for a walk at least once every day. I can attest to the fact that it does indeed boost my mood and make my day feel a little more normal. Give it a try.
Pamper Yourself
Are you one of those people who always talks or thinks about filling the tub, putting on a face mask and relaxing with a good book, but "never has the time"? Or maybe you just want to sit down with a good show on Netflix and paint your toenails? Well, I’m sorry to say, but what is your excuse now? I don’t know who you are reading this, but I do know that YOU DESERVE THIS. I am not sorry for yelling. Skincare with Hyram on YouTube shared a video for an at-home spa day.
Lastly, a nonbeauty-related tip. Call your friends or family.
While practising “social-distancing” it can get a little lonely - especially if you live alone. It is important during this time to call your friends and/or family to see how they are doing and catch up. You don’t want to miss out on anything, right? There are several tools out there to see these beautiful humans faces like Facetime for Apple products, Skype, Facebook Messenger and more. I spent an hour on a video call with my mom, dad and brother the other day and it was so nice to hear and see them. Also, I used Facebook Messenger and they have options to play games with the other person wow can that be fun.
I hope this can help at least one person during this hard time. If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello, send me an email or a message on Facebook or Instagram.