“I stand for what I stand on.” - Katrina, Earth Warrior
Reusable Cotton Rounds
I don’t know about you, but I used to go through an alarming amount of cotton rounds. I used them to remove makeup, apply toner and sometimes clean tools while doing clients. I was going through at least seven per day. When you add that up, it’s scary.

About a year ago a friend gifted me a pack of reusable cotton rounds from Earth Warrior. What a game-changer! These guys are easy as pie, just use, wash and repeat! They are just as good, if not better because they don’t absorb as much of your product as traditional cotton rounds.
The best part? They are great for cutting back waste.
The even better part? I reached out to Earth Warrior and they are giving my little community 15% OFF of their website! Just use code, “REDUCEWASTE” to claim your discount! Just click here to shop!
Yes, I get a small commission off of these sales so if you don’t feel comfortable using the code that is okay. However, if you do, you save money, and you get to support two small businesses at the same time!
Shop Local, Avoid The Packaging
This one is a personal favourite because I am not telling you to stop shopping, just do it locally! When you shop in local stores, you are helping to pay a wage, bill or maybe just the groceries for a week. You are also not promoting the use of a TON of oversized boxes, bubble wrap, and paper.
Reusable, Product-less Makeup Removers
To remove your makeup you might use a cleanser, cleansing oil, micellar water, makeup wipes, or some other magical product. What if I said you could use just water?
First of all, how nasty “salesey” did that sound? Second of all, I am serious! There are a few products on the market like Face Halo and Makeup Eraser that are essentially fluffy, soft microfiber cloths that gently remove makeup with just water.
Listed above are the brand names for these products, but if you shop around you can find great dupes! For example, I scored some at Dollarama here in Edmonton for only $1.25 each!
Less is More
I recommend this one for a number of reasons. First, you will know if you have watched or read any of my content about a flawless, cakeless makeup application. My motto when it comes to this is, LESS IS MORE!
Second, the less product you use, the less often you have to repurchase them. Therefore, less waste, less packaging, and your routine is now more sustainable!
Let’s be honest, we all pour out twice the amount of conditioner we need, use way too much cleanser, and dump half of the toner on the counter instead of on our face or the cotton round (or your brand new reusable wipes from Earth Warrior, WINK). So, in the end, you are doing your part to save the planet and your wallet!
Opt For Sustainable Brands
Lastly, you can try switching things up a bit and use a more sustainable brand. There are several ways brands can be more “sustainable.” This can include things like ingredient sourcing, product packaging, shipping methods, and more.
You can check out this article from Sustainable Jungle which includes a list of beauty brands that have the environment in mind. If you try any and gain a new favourite, I would LOVE it if you let me know by sending me a message!
Thanks for reading! If you loved this, or know someone who would feel free to share it!